Saturday, May 23, 2020
How to Convert Kelvin to Fahrenheit
Kelvin and Fahrenheit are two important temperature scales. Kelvin is a standard metric scale, with a degree the same size as the Celsius degree but with its zero point at absolute zero. Fahrenheit is the temperature most commonly used in the United States. Fortunately, its simple to convert between the two scales, providing you know the equation. Kelvin to Fahrenheit Conversion Formula Here is the formula to convert Kelvin to Fahrenheit:  ° F 9/5(K - 273) 32 or you may see the equation using more significant figures as:  ° F 9/5(K - 273.15) 32 or  ° F 1.8(K - 273) 32 You can use whichever equation you prefer. It is easy to convert Kelvin to Fahrenheit with these four steps. Subtract 273.15 from your Kelvin temperatureMultiply this number by 1.8 (this is the decimal value of 9/5).Add 32 to this number. Your answer will be the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit. Kelvin to Fahrenheit Conversion Example Lets try a sample problem, converting room temperature in Kelvin to degrees Fahrenheit. Room temperature is 293K. Start with the equation (I chose the one with fewer significant figures):  ° F 9/5(K - 273) 32 Plug in the value for Kelvin: F 9/5(293 - 273) 32 Doing the math: F 9/5(20) 32F 36 32F 68 Fahrenheit is expressed using degrees, so the answer is that room temperature is 68 ° F. Fahrenheit to Kelvin Conversion Example Lets try the conversion the other way. For example, say you want to convert human body temperature, 98.6 ° F, into its Kelvin equivalent. You can use the same equation: F 9/5(K - 273) 3298.6 9/5(K - 273) 32 Subtract 32 from both sides to get:66.6 9/5(K - 273) Multiply 9/5 times the values inside the parenthesis to get:66.6 9/5K - 491.4 Get the variable (K) on one side of the equation. I chose to subtract (-491.4) from both sides of the equation, which is the same as adding 491.4 to 66.6:558 9/5K Multiply both sides of the equation by 5 to get:2,790 9K Finally, divide both sides of the equation by 9 to get the answer in K:310 K So, human body temperature in Kelvin is 310 K. Remember, Kelvin temperature is not expressed using degrees, just a capital letter K. Note: You could have used another form of the equation, simply rewritten to solve for the Fahrenheit to Kelvin conversion: K 5/9(F - 32) 273.15 which is basically the same as saying Kelvin equals the Celsius value plus 273.15. Remember to check your work. The only temperature where the Kelvin and Fahrenheit values will be equal is at 574.25. More Conversions For more conversions, see these topics: How to Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit: The Celsius and Fahrenheit scales are two other important temperature scales.How to Convert Fahrenheit to Celsius: Use these when you need to convert Fahrenheit to the metric system.How to Convert Celsius to Kelvin: Both scales have the same size of degree, so this conversion is super easy!How to Convert Kelvin to Celsius: This is a common temperature conversion in science.
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Nevada Constitution Vs. Nevada - 1696 Words
The Nevada constitution is the document that governs the citizens of the state of Nevada. In general, state constitutions are usually much longer than the United States constitution and Nevada’s constitution, which was sanctioned in 1864, is one of the state constitutions that fall into that category. When comparing the two, Nevada’s constitution is just short of being twice the length of the United States constitution, but Nevada is still shorter than the constitution of twenty-six other states. The reason Nevada’s constitution has such length is because of the in-depth parts it contains, which are protracted from the provisions of the United States constitution. The reason for Nevada’s constitution having such depth is because of the†¦show more content†¦The federal courts interpret federal laws and state courts interpret state laws, which helps Nevada retain power and assists on making sure the national government does not become too strong. Cl ose to ninety percent of cases heard in the American court system happen at the state level. Examples include: A crime that is a violation of state law such as murder, traffic violations, assault, robbery, family cases and most drug-related crimes. State courts are the final mediators of state laws and constitutions, but their interpretation of federal laws or the United States Constitution could be appealed to the United States Supreme Court. Nevada s Governor Power Compared to the President’s Power The Nevada governor is the executive head of the entire state. Nevada has its own laws and constitution and the Governor is the individual who oversees after internal governance of the state. The Governor also carries the power to finalize the budget of the state and to also appoint judges in the court system. The Governor is elected directly by the citizens of the state and serves a four-year term. The governor is also responsible for making sure that the state is prepared for emergencies and disasters, as most emergencies and disasters are overseen at the local level. The Governor also utilizes executive orders, for example: addressing administrative and management issues such as regulatory reform, discrimination,Show MoreRelatedThe Nevada Constitution Vs. Nevada1858 Words  | 8 PagesUnited States and Nevada Constitutions to include its length, how their judges interpret law, the powers of their leaders, their forms of democracy, their meeting mandates and their system of selecting judges. This paper discusses these differences as well as an important concern for Nevadans, the value of an intermediate court of appeals. In the latter we will note the attempts to establish a court of appeals as well where the issue stands now. I. 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It is not a recycled assignment from another course and it has not been purchased, borrowed, or obtained from another source. Nor has any part of it been plagiarized. I did not include sections writtenRead MorePolitical Party Issues742 Words  | 3 Pagesfrom the partys position. Less is known where some of the third parties, such as the Green Party, Libertarian Party, and Constitution Party, stand on the issue. I support same-sex marriage because I see no valid arguments against it. The majority of arguments against gay marriage are based on religious perspective. In the United States, the First Amendment to the Constitution guarantees separation of church and state. Therefore, religion should not have a place in either the formulation or implementationRead More03 06 04 Essay892 Words  | 4 Pagescategories (multi-media, contemporary cases, advocacy documents). If you need support for the citation, consult the MLA Formatting Guide you printed from the lesson. Amendment for your topic (from the Bill of Rights) Citation: What information from this source seems the most important? Note key points mentioned in the source. The most important part of the amendment is the right to be secure from unwarranted search and seizures. How does this sourceRead MoreNorth and South on Slavery1040 Words  | 4 Pagesthe beginning of the Civil War many ideals about slavery changed. Slavery was slowly tearing us apart. In the events form the end of the Revolutionary War to 1800 many ideals involving slavery were altered. The first example was the constitution. In the Constitution they finally mention slaves. Slaves now count as 3/5 of a person. This may not seem like a major improvement in the treatment of slaves but it really is. Before slaves didn’t count for anything. Now, at least, they count for somethingRead MoreImpact Of The 14th And 15th Amendment Under U.s. Policy1154 Words  | 5 Pagestake these amendments into place and also the changes. Impact of the 14th and 15th Amendment under U.S. Policy The 14th Amendment was ratified July 9, 1868 giving citizenship to all persons including former slaves. Any state that went against the constitution was punished, reducing their representation in Congress. The Amendment banned those who engaged in rebellion against the States from holding any civil, military or elected office without approval of two-thirds of the Senate and the House of RepresentativesRead MoreImpact Of The 14th And 15th Amendment Under U.s. Policy Essay1154 Words  | 5 Pagestake these amendments into place and also the changes. Impact of the 14th and 15th Amendment under U.S. Policy The 14th Amendment was ratified July 9, 1868 giving citizenship to all persons including former slaves. Any state that went against the constitution was punished, reducing their representation in Congress. The Amendment banned those who engaged in rebellion against the States from holding any civil, military or elected office without approval of two-thirds of the Senate and the House of RepresentativesRead MoreThe Rights Of African Americans1631 Words  | 7 Pagesregain representation. Last but not least was the ratification of the 15th Amendment on February 3, 1870. This amendment s sponsor was heavily guided by a member of the senate committee of the Judiciary William Stewart. William Stewart represented Nevada and was known as the silver senator and actually drafted the final version of the 15th amendment. The 15th amendment barred states from disenfranchisement. States could not prohibit persons from voting regardless of race, color, or previous conditionRead MoreThe Treaty O f Guadalupe Hidalgo1654 Words  | 7 PagesWar. Bringing peace between the two countries. The U.S. called for Mexico to cede 55% of its territory, extending the boundaries of the United States by over 525,000 sq/m. This newly acquired land is what is known as present day Texas, California, Nevada, Utah, New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado,and Wyoming. In exchange for this land, Mexico received a $15 million compensation. word count: 130 Abolitionist Movement The Abolitionist Movement began in 1833, when the American Anti-Slavery Society in Philadelphia
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Role of Computer in Education Free Essays
Patrick Brown is one of the Caribbean’s most talented writers. He is responsible for creating some of the most poignant and hilarious moments on stage and the small screen. A successful. We will write a custom essay sample on Role of Computer in Education or any similar topic only for you Order Now Civil Engineer, he has managed to transfer the principles of precision and economy into his works for stage and television. accessible to general audiences. Brown has written some fifteen (15) full length stage plays including award-winning productions like â€Å"Cornflakes†(a 1982 production), â€Å"Yard 89†, â€Å"Yard ‘90†, â€Å"Yard ‘99†, â€Å"Stillborn†and â€Å"December†. The latter was Jamaica’s stage presentation at the 1991 Carifesta in Trinidad. Though not yet published, â€Å"December†is now being studied in West Indian Literature at the University of the West Indies. His plays have been showcased all across the Caribbean, Canada, London as well as several states across North America, including: New York, Connecticut, Florida, New Jersey, District of Columbia, Georgia, Pennsylvania and Massachusetts. He wrote the definitive episodes of †Oliver at Large†a local television sitcom, which propelled the lead, Oliver Samuels, to stardom within the Caribbean region and among the large Caribbean immigrant population. Having whetted the appetite of the local television viewers with humor extracted from its own experience, Mr. Brown went on to create, write and produce â€Å"Titus in Town†, another popular television sit-com. Mr. Brown’s work â€Å"Stillborn†was the recent recipient of an award in the island’s most respected national literary competition – The NCB Literary Awards. In addition to the several awards for his writing, Mr. Brown has won awards for set designs, theatrical production and musical lyrics. How to cite Role of Computer in Education, Papers
Sunday, May 3, 2020
To What Extent Was the Reconstruction a Failure free essay sample
However, the other two goals lacked success. The most difficult transition for the South was after the Emancipation Proclamation and final abolishment the 13th amendment. During this time, the US neutralized about 3-4 million slaves. When the government wanted to provide and protect freedman’s rights, they failed. Just like in unifying the nation, they only completed half of this goal. They provided the rights for the African-Americans. For example, the fourteenth amendment stating that the states couldn’t deny the basic rights of citizens. It basically gave freedman the rights of a white, including voting. However, when the African Americans’ attempted to go and vote, many were denied that right by means of harassment, torture, kidnap, or even murder. They KKK, or Klu Klux Klan, was formed for that very reason. Other discriminations occurred as well towards blacks what Carl Shurz reports. He says that the white widows were extremely resentful towards the the black widows copied their fashion to were a veil to represent that your husband had died. We will write a custom essay sample on To What Extent Was the Reconstruction a Failure? or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page There were several other attempts to provide for the ex-slaves like the Freedman’s Bureau which help the freedmen get adjusted to freedom and take their place in society. This, however, was shut down by president Johnson. This was because the people were getting angry that their high taxes were going towards the not ‘superior’ race. This pulled the carpet out from under the freedmen’s feet because they were left to fend for themselves in the new world of freedom. When black males were still being denied the right to vote, the federal government passed the fifteenth amendment clearly stating o one could be denied the right to vote based on race. Even after this law was passed terrorist groups still went around harming blacks. The provide rights part of the goal was completed but the protecting the right’s failed. They even had black codes for a while putting a limit on the freedom of blacks. People also went around and harmed the African-Americans for voting, a basic right of a citizen. The government tried to stop it but didn’t have the resources to enforce the law. Therefore this goal was also a failure. Readmitting the South into the Union was a tedious process. Reintegrating them started with Lincoln’s 10% plan and after Lincoln was assassinated, the Reconstruction went into the hands of Johnson creating Johnson’s Reconstruction plan. His plan involved swearing alliance to the United States to be pardoned, void secession, abolish slavery or accepting the 13th amendment, and repudiate the Confederates’s debt. other. At the time of the reconstruction, the southerners were extremely bitter towards the federal government and Republicans, which was most of the North, for taking away they’re way of life by abolishing slavery, killing loved ones in the war, and placing a huge debt on their shoulders. The South rebelled to a lot of what the North wanted them to do for those reasons. The federal government the placed soldiers in each town to try and control them. This even angered them more. In the end, the North and the South were together physically but were no where near being unified mentally. The government could not bring together the mental piece just like how they couldn’t unify themselves mentally in the government. They were only together physically. Unifying the nation was only half complete by the end of reconstruction. The last goal, rebuild the South, was a success considering the time and money they had to work on it. They made 3,000 more miles of train tracks through out the South. This allow the population to grow and in turn, towns to grow to cities. Also there were some early stages of manufacturing factories built down in the South. They weren’t very profitable compared to the North’s manufacturing but it was a step in the right direction. The cotton industry grew as well. The industry may not have grown much but there were many small steps, despite the budget. They also fixed up many farms and towns in the South that were ex-battle grounds, to erase the physical toll on the land scape. The South made big steps in the right direction in rebuilding even though it was moving them farther away from they’re previous form of life. This is why rebuilding the South was a success. In the end one third of the Reconstruction was a success. Over time, after the Reconstruction was over, the other two became closer and closer to achieving the goals, but wasn’t succeeded in during that time.
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