Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Emerging Technology and Its Implications Essay
With the expanding consideration being concurred to environmental change in the prevailing press nowadays, there is additionally an expanded consideration being given to mechanical answers for help with fighting the issue. While such arrangements are praiseworthy in that they go well beyond the standard calls for reusing and the acquisition of ‘green’ items †which have been demonstrated to be of paltry effect upon the enormous scope defects in frameworks of creation and utilization that describe mechanical innovation †not every one of them ought to grasped uncritically. It is just by exposing each proposition to spare the planet to examination that we can decide a really maintainable future. One of the thoughts that has been getting expanding money in earthy person conversations are huge scope planetary ‘technofixes’ by and large alluded to as geo-designing or planetary building. These remember mirrors for space intended to reflect abundance measure of daylight, counterfeit trees intended to drain carbon out of the environment, and oversaw arrival of sulfates into the air, and many, numerous other epic intends to control the natural texture of our planet.  Here’s the rub: The term geo designing is a somewhat faulty one, as it infers that it has a similar sort of experimental or scientific sureness as building when it doesn’t. It smoothens over a large number of the knocks and bends that portray our issues and request inventive arrangements. As a result, planetary salvation becomes as simple as building a passage into a slope or a scaffold over a waterway, when in certainty our aggregate comprehension of the fundamental effects is far not exactly the geo designing advertisers would have us accept. One should call it ‘planetary experimentation.’ While the potential advantages proposed are of an epic extent, this greatness would likewise apply to the possible outcomes. Take for instance a proposition to suck carbon dioxide into the planet’s seas by seeding it with iron stores. Many, including the Scientific Steering Committee of the Surface Ocean-Lower Atmosphere Study (SOLAS) and the World Conservation Union (IUCN) have seen this can possibly intensify sea fermentation and lead to cataclysmic outcomes for marine biology: â€Å"The seas are mind boggling, dynamic, capricious and as of now defenseless †¦ We need  [to] construct their flexibility, not sabotage it [not] convenient solutions to this worldwide issue that may [cause definitely more long haul harm] than good.†(Gjerde) Moreover, the verifiable reputation of huge scope mediation for the sake of natural concern has never been generally excellent in the first place, attests Alex Steffen of Worldchanging: â€Å"From damming waterways to battling timberland flames to disposing of nuisances †¦ endeavors have †¦ looking back [been] so overwhelm with unintended results as to turn out to be all out fiascos, frequently †¦ more regrettable than the first issues †¦. [And the] cost of blunders [increase] with the extent of the endeavored solution.†(Steffen) Geo building is basically a ‘silver bullet’ arrangement, one which decreases the political will to innovatively retrofit our current ways of life in such a way as to be manageable and earth sound, while as yet having the option to appreciate the extravagances of post-mechanical headways. Basically, the apparatuses for a greener world are as of now here and their drawbacks are insignificant notwithstanding overpowering advantages both ecological and cultural. Regardless, conversation over geo designing just gives an interruption from gathering the political will important to impact genuine change. It gives environmental change doubters a support for political lack of interest to reviewing our current lifestyle: Why select better structured urban communities, eco-friendly vehicles and significant infrastructural reevaluating when we can simply ‘erase’ the impacts of our hazardous frameworks? One’s position on geo building isn't an issue of whether you are a techno idealistic or a total Luddite. In any case, there is a significant differentiation to be made between innovation that is straightforward in plan, communitarian in nature, and populist in application just as simple to cure and innovation that is concentrated, costly and hard to invert. Between â€Å"Star Wars†â€â a rocket safeguard framework burdened with so much defilement that never really accommodate country security †and atomic force †a guarantee of ceaseless wellspring of vitality whose disappointments unleashed enormous results †we should respect geo building with doubt: perilous until demonstrated safe. Geo building is pointless. â€Å"Fixing†the planet in such a way is choosing to disregard the manner in which we live: it shows an absence of advancement and political fortitude that is important to the splendid green future.  Works Cited Stiles, Lori. â€Å"Space Sunshade Might Be Feasible In Global Warming Emergency.†NASA Earth Observatory. 3 November 2006. Recovered July 8, 2008 from: Bentley, Molly. â€Å"Guns and coverings to save climate.†BBC News. 2 March 2006. Recovered July 8, 2008 from: Gjerde, Kristina. â€Å"Hold back the geo-designing tide.†BBC News. 11 December 2007. Recovered July 8, 2008 from: there/science/nature/7133619.stm Romm, Joseph. â€Å"Rule three of balances: No geo-engineering.†Grist Magazine Online. 27 July 2007. Recovered July 8, 2008 from:â
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Dimensional Printing Of Ceramic Scaffolds †Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Talk About The Dimensional Printing Of Ceramic Scaffolds? Answer: Introducation This paper looks to fathom the data behind the 3D printing exercises and procedures. The 3D printing has a history from the early hundreds of years in Greece where 3D objects were made correspondingly to one another. The printing includes the demonstrating and plan, improvement in the product lastly machining. There is a business side to the equivalent worried on the arrival on venture and increment in the quantity of deals. It is considered as added substance producing that is because of the way that as opposed to expelling material to make a section or the whole structure model (Hobson, 2012). The structure experiences prototyping of specific parts and thinks about other future applications. The 3D printing procedure understands a portion of the deficiencies of the conventional machining advancements utilized underway at mechanical or producing level. 3D printable models are created utilizing the PC supported structure programming through a three-dimensional scanner or from a customary cardinal camera or programming. The hands on displaying procedure of fixing geometric information for three-dimensional centralized server designs is similar to the physical trim of items (Fratzl, 2007). In 3D printing, there is an added substance modern course that makes the three-dimensional items from the 3D advanced data gave. The three-dimensional advanced models are cut into numerous 2D cross-segments. These sectional parts are then printed out on one another. There are other 3D printers that are subtractive assembling procedures, for example, the CNC and processing processes(Lipson Kurman, 2013). These procedures are viewed as a different gathering and are alluded to as the machining forms. There are various types of procedures engaged with the creation of 3D materials, Powder based procedures Strong based procedures Paper-based procedures Fluid based procedures At first, one beginnings with the three-dimensional models that are at the plan stage. The data is contribution to the three-dimensional programming or an item is examined with the 3D scanner, on the off chance that one needs to create a genuine object or download a real document (Anderson, 2012). The bigger arrangement of people, despite everything have apprehensions about 3D printing. Such uncertainty is credited to the way that it despite everything has numerous unexplored skylines. So also, the innovation has recently raised worries about wellbeing and issues managing piracy.The 3D printing programming bunches the model into numerous 3D cross-segments. As the world continues advancing, new advances start rising. Be that as it may, just a couple of new advancements, change the world totally and profoundly sway people groups lives(Kaur, 2012) At the point when the 3D model is cut, the information is coordinated to a 3D printer which remakes the article one layer on one another. The 3D printers move along the three-hub on the X, Y, Z arranges. This is finished utilizing the FDM printer (Kamrani, 2006). One of the most huge uses for 3D printing is inside the clinical industry(Greenemeier, 2013). In the clinical circle, the clinical experts can make a copy of the parts from the patients bodies when the should be worked on. The proliferation of the 3D printing thoughts makes it conceivable to make a section from the product in only two or three hours.The thought of 3D printing has happened for a considerable length of time with a birthplace in Greece. The 3D printing or quick prototyping is utilized in building to make models and models a lot quicker. The customary assembling procedures, for example, the infusion shaping, are less expensive per unit they are costly and tedious to arrangement or tooling thus a snappy option was looked for (Berman, 2012). The 3D printed parts and the open source GNU programming authorizing it permitted singular clients to drive developments. As of recently 2005, the 3D printing was very costly and, for the better part, it is accessible just for the assembling business. There was a RepRap venture led by Adrian Bowyer in the year 2005 that was a community oriented test to make a self-reproducing machine. The venture made the 3D printing utilize less expensive innovation, receive a patent termination technique, and was made open source (D'Aveni, 2013). The customary throwing strategy takes four to five months. One of their present ventures includes actualizing a 3D printer inside future transports so as to effortlessly supplant broken parts and fabricate objects that may be required in external space(Seitz, et al., 2005). They have additionally started testing on 3D-printed rocket injectors.The making 3D models are made utilizing Computer Aided Design. There are strong modelers and work modelers are intended to display in solids. They are profitable for 3D printing since models will be complex and all models are sent out to networks before printing. The parametric modelers are utilizing a lot of rules to characterize an article. It is utilized in the clinical and avionic business and the metal parts are displayed. The 3D printing faces various difficulties incorporate, Restricted and significant expense of materials Trickiness of machines (20% reject rate) Difficulties scaling up innovation Speed and IP Ecological concerns, surface completion, goals Mechanical properties, post preparing, and still just creation shapes. There are seven distinct sorts of 3D printing, for example, the significant expulsion (FDM) as most open innovation and work area imitations are boundless. There is the material streaming which gives progressively proficient models, multi-materials, and basic in configuration firms. The folio flying is the visual models, tooling, venture throwing for the bigger stages. Diverse research cases have indicated that it is really conceivable to have printouts of a wide scope of materials. There is a great deal of developing utilization of the print innovation in the vehicle and clinical circles. The sheet cover has reams of paper go about as the base materials, low quality, and open doors for OK goals shading. The Vat Polymerization is the SLA is the most seasoned 3D printing innovation, high goals however moderately, and low quality parts, and the new work area adaptations are accessible. The print innovation can expel a few materials from the framework or model being planned. Powder based framework (SLS) has a more extensive scope of materials, very quality, utilitarian parts, base materials is in powder structure and it is still at the mechanical scale. Coordinated Energy affidavit utilizes the electron Beam liquefying to play out the displaying and printing. At the point when an industry performs altered creation of materials, it isn't financially savvy to utilize a modern complex for creation. The materials or various plans can be created independently utilizing the 3D printers to guarantee that the framework produces a redid item. The utilization is regular for vintage vehicles and uniquely crafted vehicles that are uncommon and their extra parts are not acquired for a huge scope. The utilization of 3D printing has expanded the part usefulness. A great deal of variables should be viewed as, for example, the warm limitation to guarantee that the high warm conducti vity of a structure is kept up and the printing procedure doesn't devastate a part. The arrangement of 3D printing has various merits, for example, The item arrangement is right now the fundamental utilization of 3D printing innovation. The specialists and dental specialists are utilizing the 3D printers to print areas of the body before doing the mind boggling medical procedures. The machine develops body parts, for example, the unions for the patients who have experienced the awful wounds. These are utilized to make substitution organs, for example, tooth or jaw segments. The NASA engineers have propelled the innovation in the aviation applications. The group at NASA utilizes the Fused Deposition Modeling to perform added substance assembling of the unpredictable shapes and sturdy enough frameworks or structures. In aeronautic design, a portion of the pieces of the airplanes require the full model before get together. The designers are additionally extraordinary clients of the 3D printing. For quite a while, modelers have been utilizing blue print intends to show plans however with the appearance of 3D printers, the engineers can utilize them to represent the structure to their customers Craftsmen can exhibit their articles and thoughts that are mind boggling but then troublesome and costly to accomplish utilizing the present ideas with the conventional procedures. The 3D printers spare the association a great deal of time, exertion, and the framework decreases mistakes that are experienced while creating 3D objects utilizing conventional methods. Evalution There are varieties of 3D printing innovation, for example, the stereolithographic, FDM, and powdered Bed. The UV light is utilized to solidify photosensitive photopolymers and pitches. There are intertwined statement demonstrating and plastic fly printing has a softened plastic fiber pushed through a spout or an extruder. The basic plastics are the ABS and the PLA. A granular bed of materials is specifically intertwined by a laser. There are different materials, for example, metal composites, metal powders, thermoplastics, and artistic powders. On the monetary scale, the added substance producing is at present a $2.2 billion industry all around. The market is relied upon to significantly increase by the 2018 to about $6 billion. The infusion forming market expected to be $252 billion out of 2018. Individuals utilize the 3D printing for prototyping, low volume fabricating, tooling, shopper items, customization and personalization, craftsmanship and plan, training, and clinical execut ion. The three-dimensional displaying has plan opportunity and what you configuration is the thing that you print. The 3D printers can accomplish smoother and better completes than the machining procedures done by mill operators and machine machines or even the CNC machines. The printer can deliver items with thick or slight estimations precisely as structured by the designers or planners. The items can catch the look or feel of things to come items. End In a nutshel
Thursday, August 13, 2020
EasyBib Plus Spotlight Create Footnotes
EasyBib Plus Spotlight Create Footnotes (0) Did you know that EasyBib Plus has a feature that allows users to create footnotes? If you are using the Chicago Manual of Style 16th edition format, you can quickly create footnotes that work alongside the citations in your bibliography. Just follow these simple steps while logged in to EasyBib Plus: 1. Create your bibliographic citation normally, filling out the appropriate form on . 2. Once you get the final correct citation, click the drop down beneath it labeled “more.†3. Click on the option labeled “footnote.†4. This will open the Footnote Wizard which will display the basic, initial version of your footnote. The information in the footnote is based off of information from your bibliographic citation. 5. Input the page number (if applicable) for where you found the cited information in your source. 6. Click “save.†Then presto! Your correctly formatted footnote is generated. Happy citing! Looking for other citation styles like MLA format? Try ! It can help you create an APA citation, MLA works cited page, and other kinds of citations easily and quickly.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
How to Convert Kelvin to Fahrenheit
Kelvin and Fahrenheit are two important temperature scales. Kelvin is a standard metric scale, with a degree the same size as the Celsius degree but with its zero point at absolute zero. Fahrenheit is the temperature most commonly used in the United States. Fortunately, its simple to convert between the two scales, providing you know the equation. Kelvin to Fahrenheit Conversion Formula Here is the formula to convert Kelvin to Fahrenheit:  ° F 9/5(K - 273) 32 or you may see the equation using more significant figures as:  ° F 9/5(K - 273.15) 32 or  ° F 1.8(K - 273) 32 You can use whichever equation you prefer. It is easy to convert Kelvin to Fahrenheit with these four steps. Subtract 273.15 from your Kelvin temperatureMultiply this number by 1.8 (this is the decimal value of 9/5).Add 32 to this number. Your answer will be the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit. Kelvin to Fahrenheit Conversion Example Lets try a sample problem, converting room temperature in Kelvin to degrees Fahrenheit. Room temperature is 293K. Start with the equation (I chose the one with fewer significant figures):  ° F 9/5(K - 273) 32 Plug in the value for Kelvin: F 9/5(293 - 273) 32 Doing the math: F 9/5(20) 32F 36 32F 68 Fahrenheit is expressed using degrees, so the answer is that room temperature is 68 ° F. Fahrenheit to Kelvin Conversion Example Lets try the conversion the other way. For example, say you want to convert human body temperature, 98.6 ° F, into its Kelvin equivalent. You can use the same equation: F 9/5(K - 273) 3298.6 9/5(K - 273) 32 Subtract 32 from both sides to get:66.6 9/5(K - 273) Multiply 9/5 times the values inside the parenthesis to get:66.6 9/5K - 491.4 Get the variable (K) on one side of the equation. I chose to subtract (-491.4) from both sides of the equation, which is the same as adding 491.4 to 66.6:558 9/5K Multiply both sides of the equation by 5 to get:2,790 9K Finally, divide both sides of the equation by 9 to get the answer in K:310 K So, human body temperature in Kelvin is 310 K. Remember, Kelvin temperature is not expressed using degrees, just a capital letter K. Note: You could have used another form of the equation, simply rewritten to solve for the Fahrenheit to Kelvin conversion: K 5/9(F - 32) 273.15 which is basically the same as saying Kelvin equals the Celsius value plus 273.15. Remember to check your work. The only temperature where the Kelvin and Fahrenheit values will be equal is at 574.25. More Conversions For more conversions, see these topics: How to Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit: The Celsius and Fahrenheit scales are two other important temperature scales.How to Convert Fahrenheit to Celsius: Use these when you need to convert Fahrenheit to the metric system.How to Convert Celsius to Kelvin: Both scales have the same size of degree, so this conversion is super easy!How to Convert Kelvin to Celsius: This is a common temperature conversion in science.
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Nevada Constitution Vs. Nevada - 1696 Words
The Nevada constitution is the document that governs the citizens of the state of Nevada. In general, state constitutions are usually much longer than the United States constitution and Nevada’s constitution, which was sanctioned in 1864, is one of the state constitutions that fall into that category. When comparing the two, Nevada’s constitution is just short of being twice the length of the United States constitution, but Nevada is still shorter than the constitution of twenty-six other states. The reason Nevada’s constitution has such length is because of the in-depth parts it contains, which are protracted from the provisions of the United States constitution. The reason for Nevada’s constitution having such depth is because of the†¦show more content†¦The federal courts interpret federal laws and state courts interpret state laws, which helps Nevada retain power and assists on making sure the national government does not become too strong. Cl ose to ninety percent of cases heard in the American court system happen at the state level. Examples include: A crime that is a violation of state law such as murder, traffic violations, assault, robbery, family cases and most drug-related crimes. State courts are the final mediators of state laws and constitutions, but their interpretation of federal laws or the United States Constitution could be appealed to the United States Supreme Court. Nevada s Governor Power Compared to the President’s Power The Nevada governor is the executive head of the entire state. Nevada has its own laws and constitution and the Governor is the individual who oversees after internal governance of the state. The Governor also carries the power to finalize the budget of the state and to also appoint judges in the court system. The Governor is elected directly by the citizens of the state and serves a four-year term. The governor is also responsible for making sure that the state is prepared for emergencies and disasters, as most emergencies and disasters are overseen at the local level. The Governor also utilizes executive orders, for example: addressing administrative and management issues such as regulatory reform, discrimination,Show MoreRelatedThe Nevada Constitution Vs. Nevada1858 Words  | 8 PagesUnited States and Nevada Constitutions to include its length, how their judges interpret law, the powers of their leaders, their forms of democracy, their meeting mandates and their system of selecting judges. This paper discusses these differences as well as an important concern for Nevadans, the value of an intermediate court of appeals. In the latter we will note the attempts to establish a court of appeals as well where the issue stands now. I. Why the Nevada Constitution is lengthier and whatRead MoreAnalysis Of The Nevada And Us Constitutions1883 Words  | 8 PagesAn Analysis of the Nevada and US Constitutions and Government Structures Denisse Bustillos, 5432 PSC 101 Introduction to American Government and Politics Fall 2014 Section number: 101-1003 88311 Professor: William Eric Davis Ph.D. Author Note This assignment represents my own work. It is not a recycled assignment from another course and it has not been purchased, borrowed, or obtained from another source. Nor has any part of it been plagiarized. I did not include sections written by or summarizedRead MoreTheu.s. And Nevada Constitutions3730 Words  | 15 Pages An Analysis of the U.S and Nevada Constitutions and Government Structures By Lisa McClaughry 7165 PSC 101 Introduction to American Government and Politics Spring 2015 Section Number: [3008] Class Number: [32583] Professor: William Eric Davis, Ph.D. This assignment represents my own work. It is not a recycled assignment from another course and it has not been purchased, borrowed, or obtained from another source. Nor has any part of it been plagiarized. I did not include sections writtenRead MorePolitical Party Issues742 Words  | 3 Pagesfrom the partys position. Less is known where some of the third parties, such as the Green Party, Libertarian Party, and Constitution Party, stand on the issue. I support same-sex marriage because I see no valid arguments against it. The majority of arguments against gay marriage are based on religious perspective. In the United States, the First Amendment to the Constitution guarantees separation of church and state. Therefore, religion should not have a place in either the formulation or implementationRead More03 06 04 Essay892 Words  | 4 Pagescategories (multi-media, contemporary cases, advocacy documents). If you need support for the citation, consult the MLA Formatting Guide you printed from the lesson. Amendment for your topic (from the Bill of Rights) Citation: What information from this source seems the most important? Note key points mentioned in the source. The most important part of the amendment is the right to be secure from unwarranted search and seizures. How does this sourceRead MoreNorth and South on Slavery1040 Words  | 4 Pagesthe beginning of the Civil War many ideals about slavery changed. Slavery was slowly tearing us apart. In the events form the end of the Revolutionary War to 1800 many ideals involving slavery were altered. The first example was the constitution. In the Constitution they finally mention slaves. Slaves now count as 3/5 of a person. This may not seem like a major improvement in the treatment of slaves but it really is. Before slaves didn’t count for anything. Now, at least, they count for somethingRead MoreImpact Of The 14th And 15th Amendment Under U.s. Policy1154 Words  | 5 Pagestake these amendments into place and also the changes. Impact of the 14th and 15th Amendment under U.S. Policy The 14th Amendment was ratified July 9, 1868 giving citizenship to all persons including former slaves. Any state that went against the constitution was punished, reducing their representation in Congress. The Amendment banned those who engaged in rebellion against the States from holding any civil, military or elected office without approval of two-thirds of the Senate and the House of RepresentativesRead MoreImpact Of The 14th And 15th Amendment Under U.s. Policy Essay1154 Words  | 5 Pagestake these amendments into place and also the changes. Impact of the 14th and 15th Amendment under U.S. Policy The 14th Amendment was ratified July 9, 1868 giving citizenship to all persons including former slaves. Any state that went against the constitution was punished, reducing their representation in Congress. The Amendment banned those who engaged in rebellion against the States from holding any civil, military or elected office without approval of two-thirds of the Senate and the House of RepresentativesRead MoreThe Rights Of African Americans1631 Words  | 7 Pagesregain representation. Last but not least was the ratification of the 15th Amendment on February 3, 1870. This amendment s sponsor was heavily guided by a member of the senate committee of the Judiciary William Stewart. William Stewart represented Nevada and was known as the silver senator and actually drafted the final version of the 15th amendment. The 15th amendment barred states from disenfranchisement. States could not prohibit persons from voting regardless of race, color, or previous conditionRead MoreThe Treaty O f Guadalupe Hidalgo1654 Words  | 7 PagesWar. Bringing peace between the two countries. The U.S. called for Mexico to cede 55% of its territory, extending the boundaries of the United States by over 525,000 sq/m. This newly acquired land is what is known as present day Texas, California, Nevada, Utah, New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado,and Wyoming. In exchange for this land, Mexico received a $15 million compensation. word count: 130 Abolitionist Movement The Abolitionist Movement began in 1833, when the American Anti-Slavery Society in Philadelphia
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Role of Computer in Education Free Essays
Patrick Brown is one of the Caribbean’s most talented writers. He is responsible for creating some of the most poignant and hilarious moments on stage and the small screen. A successful. We will write a custom essay sample on Role of Computer in Education or any similar topic only for you Order Now Civil Engineer, he has managed to transfer the principles of precision and economy into his works for stage and television. accessible to general audiences. Brown has written some fifteen (15) full length stage plays including award-winning productions like â€Å"Cornflakes†(a 1982 production), â€Å"Yard 89†, â€Å"Yard ‘90†, â€Å"Yard ‘99†, â€Å"Stillborn†and â€Å"December†. The latter was Jamaica’s stage presentation at the 1991 Carifesta in Trinidad. Though not yet published, â€Å"December†is now being studied in West Indian Literature at the University of the West Indies. His plays have been showcased all across the Caribbean, Canada, London as well as several states across North America, including: New York, Connecticut, Florida, New Jersey, District of Columbia, Georgia, Pennsylvania and Massachusetts. He wrote the definitive episodes of †Oliver at Large†a local television sitcom, which propelled the lead, Oliver Samuels, to stardom within the Caribbean region and among the large Caribbean immigrant population. Having whetted the appetite of the local television viewers with humor extracted from its own experience, Mr. Brown went on to create, write and produce â€Å"Titus in Town†, another popular television sit-com. Mr. Brown’s work â€Å"Stillborn†was the recent recipient of an award in the island’s most respected national literary competition – The NCB Literary Awards. In addition to the several awards for his writing, Mr. Brown has won awards for set designs, theatrical production and musical lyrics. How to cite Role of Computer in Education, Papers
Sunday, May 3, 2020
To What Extent Was the Reconstruction a Failure free essay sample
However, the other two goals lacked success. The most difficult transition for the South was after the Emancipation Proclamation and final abolishment the 13th amendment. During this time, the US neutralized about 3-4 million slaves. When the government wanted to provide and protect freedman’s rights, they failed. Just like in unifying the nation, they only completed half of this goal. They provided the rights for the African-Americans. For example, the fourteenth amendment stating that the states couldn’t deny the basic rights of citizens. It basically gave freedman the rights of a white, including voting. However, when the African Americans’ attempted to go and vote, many were denied that right by means of harassment, torture, kidnap, or even murder. They KKK, or Klu Klux Klan, was formed for that very reason. Other discriminations occurred as well towards blacks what Carl Shurz reports. He says that the white widows were extremely resentful towards the the black widows copied their fashion to were a veil to represent that your husband had died. We will write a custom essay sample on To What Extent Was the Reconstruction a Failure? or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page There were several other attempts to provide for the ex-slaves like the Freedman’s Bureau which help the freedmen get adjusted to freedom and take their place in society. This, however, was shut down by president Johnson. This was because the people were getting angry that their high taxes were going towards the not ‘superior’ race. This pulled the carpet out from under the freedmen’s feet because they were left to fend for themselves in the new world of freedom. When black males were still being denied the right to vote, the federal government passed the fifteenth amendment clearly stating o one could be denied the right to vote based on race. Even after this law was passed terrorist groups still went around harming blacks. The provide rights part of the goal was completed but the protecting the right’s failed. They even had black codes for a while putting a limit on the freedom of blacks. People also went around and harmed the African-Americans for voting, a basic right of a citizen. The government tried to stop it but didn’t have the resources to enforce the law. Therefore this goal was also a failure. Readmitting the South into the Union was a tedious process. Reintegrating them started with Lincoln’s 10% plan and after Lincoln was assassinated, the Reconstruction went into the hands of Johnson creating Johnson’s Reconstruction plan. His plan involved swearing alliance to the United States to be pardoned, void secession, abolish slavery or accepting the 13th amendment, and repudiate the Confederates’s debt. other. At the time of the reconstruction, the southerners were extremely bitter towards the federal government and Republicans, which was most of the North, for taking away they’re way of life by abolishing slavery, killing loved ones in the war, and placing a huge debt on their shoulders. The South rebelled to a lot of what the North wanted them to do for those reasons. The federal government the placed soldiers in each town to try and control them. This even angered them more. In the end, the North and the South were together physically but were no where near being unified mentally. The government could not bring together the mental piece just like how they couldn’t unify themselves mentally in the government. They were only together physically. Unifying the nation was only half complete by the end of reconstruction. The last goal, rebuild the South, was a success considering the time and money they had to work on it. They made 3,000 more miles of train tracks through out the South. This allow the population to grow and in turn, towns to grow to cities. Also there were some early stages of manufacturing factories built down in the South. They weren’t very profitable compared to the North’s manufacturing but it was a step in the right direction. The cotton industry grew as well. The industry may not have grown much but there were many small steps, despite the budget. They also fixed up many farms and towns in the South that were ex-battle grounds, to erase the physical toll on the land scape. The South made big steps in the right direction in rebuilding even though it was moving them farther away from they’re previous form of life. This is why rebuilding the South was a success. In the end one third of the Reconstruction was a success. Over time, after the Reconstruction was over, the other two became closer and closer to achieving the goals, but wasn’t succeeded in during that time.
Thursday, March 26, 2020
The use of Skype to facilitate Virtual Organisations Essay Example
The use of Skype to facilitate Virtual Organisations Essay Undergraduate Programme Individual Coursework Submission Feedback Form To#be#completed#by#the#student#- #complete#all#grey#areas#5#failure(to(fully(complete(this(section(or(giving(inaccurat e(information(may( result(in(coursework(being(refused(or(delayed. ( Moduledetails: Module:code: MS3102! Course ofStudy'(please tickone! ): BScAccountingandFinance BSc BankingandInternationalFinance BSclnvestmentandFinancialRiskManagement BSc RealEstateFinanceandlnvestment Studentdetails: 596! BScActuarialScience BScBusinessStudies BScManagement Other'(pleasespecify) Family! Name:! Sarkhel! First! Names:! Jade! Nina!! *your! Student! Registration! Number! (Reg! No)! is! printed! on! the! right! hand! side! of! your! Student! Identity! Card.! ! 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We will write a custom essay sample on The use of Skype to facilitate Virtual Organisations specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The use of Skype to facilitate Virtual Organisations specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The use of Skype to facilitate Virtual Organisations specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Youshouldpayparticularattentiontoanyfeedbacknoteddirectlyonyourwork. ! FinalMark: Authorised! by:! Please(contact(your(lecturer(to(discuss(his/ her(comments(and(obtain(further(feedback. (All(marks(are(provisional(until(approved(by(the(appropriate(Assessment(Board. ( Technology facilitating virtual organisations This report endeavors to study the application of Skype to facilitate a virtual organisation. This critical analysis will identify benefits and risks associated with the application of this technology and scenarios for its use in the immediate and slightly more distant future. Word count: 2013) )3! ENCOURAGE! KNOWLEDGE! BUILDING! VIRTUAL! INTERVIEWS! †5 TRAINING! 6 24/7! CUSTOMER! CONCLUSION) BIBLIOGRAPHY). OF MI 980).!! The% exponential% growth% (App. % 1)% of% the% internet% over% recent% years% has% eroded% international% barriers,% given% access% to% a% plethora% of% information% at% our% fingertips% and% has% influenced% a% significant%shift%in %the%way%businesse s%work%today. %with%the%help%of%technological%tools, %we%have% %work%to%more%virtual%organisationsl . These% organisations% operate% in% a % dispersed% manner% with% intensive% use% of% information% technology, %opening%up%both%endless%unexplored%opportunities%and%threats. %with %offce%space%in% prime%locations%becoming%increasingly%more%expensive %and%individual%desk%space%costing%up%to% El 2,000%a%year2,%we%see % many%businesses%warmly%welcoming%the%use%of%virtual%organisations%to% help%drive%down%costs. %% To% successfully% gain% the% benefits% of% operating% as% a% virtual% entity,% frameworks% such% as% the% intelligent% exploiter% model% could% be% used% to% overcome% challenges. highlights% the% importantance% of% implementing% an% effective% system% in% order% to% utilize% information% systems% and%successfully%enhance%performance3%(app%2). %This%critical analysis%endeavors%to%find%value%in% the%use%of%the%web %2. O%t0015,%Skype,%as%an%effective%system%to%facilitate%a%virtua l %organisation. %lt% will%detail%applications%of%skype%to%support%virtual%work %and%the%risks%that%may%arise. %% Skype%is%the%current%leader%in%voice %over%lP%(VolP)%service%and%instant%messaging. %First%released%in% August %freemium4%service%fits% under% the% category% of% a% Web% 2. % tool,% which% is% a% technological% service% that% enables% users% to% interact,% personalize% and% share% information% over% the% Internet5. % Skype% is% classed% as% a% peer% to% peer% application% and% operates% over% a% ultitude% of% platforms% (across% Mac% and% PC)% % mobile% devices%such %as%tablets,%smartphones%and%laptops%allowing%onMtheMgo%accessibility. %% %A virtual organization or company is one whose members are geographically apart, usually operates primarily via electronic means, appearing to others to be a single, unified organization with a real physical location http://whatis. echtarget. com/ %Richard Nessen- Lecture on Virtual Organisations% 3 %Holtham, Clive (October 2009) The I ntelligent Exploiter, Cass Business School. Available At: 4% Freemium is a business model by which a proprietary product or service (typically a igital offering such as software, media, games or web services) is provided free of charge, but money (premium) is charged for advanced features, functionality, or virtual goods. %Antiroiko Savolainen, 2011 It was coined in 2004 by OReilly who claimed that the use of these tools are to make the internet a more collaborative place (BCS, 2009) The% ability% of% a% firm% to% culminate% relevant% knowledge 6 %and% transform% them% into% unique% capabilities% can% be% crucial% in% developing % nonMimitable% competitive% advantages. % a% virtual% organisation,% is % quiet% common% to% have% individuals% in% different% geographical% locations to% be% working% on% the% same% projects. Interactions% between% individuals% operating% remotely% become% more%challenging%thus%reducing %the%amount%of%knowledge%being%shared. %Skype%allows%up%to%25% partic ipants%to%Join%a%conversation%at%once7,%which%can%be%implemented %into%an%organisation%to% facilitate% knowledge% management 8 ,% virtual% brainstorms% and% group% discussions. % Borderless% collaboration%can%help%to %improve%innovation%through%generating%a%wider%variety%of%ideas%with% influence% from% leading% practices% from% different% geographical% locations. can% improve% consistency%throughout%work,%as%everyone%has%equal access%to%information%and%overall%improve% decision%making%due%to%a % reduction%in%the%loss%of%knowMhow%tacit9%knowledge. %Facilitating%group% discussions%also%increases%productivity%by%reducing%cases%of%reinventing interactions% would% have% significant% benefits,% the% difficulty% arises%when %trusting%relationships%are%not%fully%developed%and%thus%hinders%the %dissemination%of% tacit% knowledge. The% facilitation% and% management% of % knowledge% sharing% also% becomes% more% challenging% in% absence% of% physical% presence% as% a% physical% brainstorming% session% would% usually% ontain% a% mediator% that% actively% manages% the% interaction% to% either% encourage% our% prevent% interruptions% for% example% in% a% physical% scenario% individuals% would% raise% a% hand% before% interrupting. % Another% important% risk% is% exposing% confidential% material,% as% there% is% very% little% control%over%who%is%listening%in%via%the%25%possible%channels%of %communicators. Knowledge is a fluid mix of framed experience, values, contextual information, and expert insight that provides a basis for evaluating and incorporating new experiences and information. It originates and is applied in the mind of individuals. In organisations, it often becomes embedded not only in documents or repositories but also in organisational routines, processes, and practices. (Davenport Prusak, 2000) 7 %There is a magic number for brainstorming and that number is 8-10 people. If you get more than ten people, it becomes challenging for everyone to participate and its too easy for side conversations to get going. http://www. ]rsconsulting. net/ freearticles 26. html% 8 %Knowledge Management is the discipline of enabling individuals, teams and entire organisations to collectively and systematically create, share and apply knowledge, to etter achieve their objectives Ron Young. 9 %Goffn, K. Koners, U. (2011). Tacit Knowledge, Lessons Learnt, and New Product Development. J PROD INNOV MANAG, 28, 300-318. With tacit knowledge, people are not often aware of the knowledge they possess or how it can be valuable to others. Effective transfer of tacit knowledge generally requires extensive personal contact, regular interaction and trust. This kind of knowledge can only be revealed through practice in a particular context and transmitted through social networks. To some extent it is captured when the knowledge holder Joins a network or a community of practice. 0 %250 companies using Skype, 80% said using it increased employee productivity. http://financialsocialmedia. com/theadvantages-of-skype-in-business- communications/% Physical%and%social%interaction%is%known%to%bind%an%organisation. %The %lack%of%these%interactions%in% virtual% organisations% tends% to% hinder% the% development% of% a% company% culture. % To% encourage% social %interaction%between%virtual%workers,%Skypes%instant%messaging%and%VoIP %can%be%used%for% immediate% support% during% projects% and% general% social% interactions. Encouraging% employees% to% upload% profile% pictures% nd% building% a% personal% profile% for% themselves% can% help% to% develop % a% more%humane%appearance%to%workers,%especially%when%primarily %interacting%on%a%virtual%level. %lt% can% help% to% foster% teamwork% and% a % sense% of% belonging% in% a% virtual% organisation. % The% risk% of% encouraging%employees%to%use%skype%as%a%social%media%tool%is%the %inability%to%control%the%extent%it% is%being%used%for%social%interaction %and%thus%distracting%employees%from%their%work. % Internet%accessibility%has%opened%up%a%global%pool%of%potential%employees %from%which%to%recruit% from. %The%opportunity%to%outsource%work%through virtual%organisations%has%reduced%the%cost%of% remuneration% and% provided% a% wider% pool% of% applicants% for% firms% to% filter% out% the% most% skilled% people% across% the% globe. % So% although% firms% are% no% longer% limited% to% applicants% within% a% comfortable% com muting% distance % from% an% office% base,% the% difficulty% arises% when% interviewing% international%applicants%for%a%virtual%offsite%role. To%overcome%this,%Skype %could%be%implemented% to%hold%virtual%interviews%via%video%VolP. %The %absence%of%travel%time%would%improve%flexibility%of% meeting%times%and would%also%reduce%the%physical%space%required%to%hold%interviews. %These%two% factors%would%significantly%reduce%the%cost%for%both%parties, %due%to%increased%freedom%to%connect% from%more%convenient%locations %and%the%ability%to%reallocate%meetingMroom%space. %The%benefit%of% using %video%calls%as%opposed%to%a%telephone%conversation%would%allow%the %interviewer%to%assess% important% contributors% such% as% body% language% and% presentation. From% the% applicants% perspective,%being%in%a%familiar %location%might%reduce%nerves%and%in%turn%improve%performance% during% the% interview. Skypes% built% in% recording% software% could% be% utilized% to% document% the% interview%as%referen ce%when%making%comparisons %between%applicants%or%to%allow%third%parties%to% asses% applicants% performance% for% a% more% balanced% final% decision. % A% drawback% of% %employees%experiencing%true% company% culture. Through% physically% entering% an% office% building,% they% would% experience% the% work% environment% and% have% the% opportunity% to% interact% with% potential% colleagues. % A% virtual% interview%could%also%result%in%interruptions%due%to %being%more%exposed%to%external%distractions. For%example%using%lnternet %in%a%cafe%could%result%in%disruptive%background%noise,%it%can%also%be% difficult%to%identify%whether%an%individual%requires%privacy%when%sitting%in %front%of%a%laptop%with% headphones%in. Connection%also%plays%a%big%part %in%determining%whether%the%process%works%well% or% not. Delays% can% occur,% calls% can% be% dropped,% and% poor% connectivity% may% result% in% broken% speech%and%noticeable%lag%in%signal%reaching%its%destination. %skype%does%not%offer%a%serv ice%level% agreement%(SLAb%warranting%that %service%will%be%available%and%quality%good,%therefore%call%and% onnection%quality%are%not%always%as%good%as%they%are%on%the%public %switched%telephone%network% (PSTN). %% Technological%advances%has%allowed%multinationals%to%converge%in%the%way %things%are%done%on%a% global% scale. Another% difficulty% experienced% in % virtual% organisations% is% the% ability% to% bring% all% employees%together %and%disseminate%the%same%standard%of%training%across%the%board. %skype %can% be% utilized% by% providing% prerecorded% training% sessions% to% off% site% employees% for% mobile% % anywhere%access. %For%a%more%localized %approach,%one%to%one%or%group%training%via%skype%video% calls% % creen% sharing% would% allow% a% firm% to% create% bespoke% and% highly% interactive% training% programs. The%interactive%aspect%encourages%live %feedback%on%sessions,%encourages%employees% to%be%more%participative%as %levels%of%intimidation%in%a%classroom%setting%are% reduced. %%The%ability% to%tailor%the%course%based%on%individuals%specific%requirements%also %becomes%more%achievable. % Additionally,% it% could% facilitate% training% seminars% with% external% industry% experts% that% may% not% usually%have %the%time%to%travel%away%from%work. The%live%aspect%of%the%sessions means%that% information%is%always%up%to%date%in%comparison%to %learning%via%literature,%and%again%the%built%in% recording% function% can% be% used% to% record% training% sessions% to% build% a% reference% library% with% anytime% access. % The% drawback% of% the% virtual% training;% leaves% the% speed% of% employee% development% down% to% their% own% motivations% to% progress% and% it% becomes% difficult% to% ensure% alertness% during% sessions% due% to% a% higher% level% of% distraction% in% comparison% to% being% in% a% classroom. sharing%confidential%tacit%%explicit%training % of% this% information% reaching% competitors. The% application% of% Skype% training% in% a% virtual% organisation% can% be% leveraged% as% a% competitive % weapon% and% an% employee% retention% tool% to% ensure% that% employees % are% being% offered% career% development,% growth% prospects%and%support %to%reach%personalized%goals%even%when%working%remotely. % % ln%virtual%organisations%newer%team%members%can%be%deprived%of%the %opportunity%to%learn%from% more% senior% workers% and% valuable% knowMhow% tacit% knowledge% can% be% lost% within% a% firm. % The% application%of%skype%calls%for%the%purpose%of%mentoring%could%mend%this %gap. Again%the%benefit%of% flexibility%and%virtual%faceMtoMface %communication%from%mentors%makes%it%easier%to%set%a%time%% date%to %agree%upon,%especially%with%executives%whose%time%may%be%in%high %demand. This%factor% could% encourage% more% frequent% encounters,% allow % relationships% to% develop% faster% and% shorten% power% distances% between% hierarchical% levels. % The% erosion% of% power% distance% can% benefit% both% levels,%as%experience%is%past %down%to%newer%members%and %the%most%up%to%date%knowledge%from% the% front% line% can% be% filtered % back% up% to% higher% levels. % The% challenge% of% implementing% virtual% entoring%is%the%temptation%for%either%party%to%multiMtask%instead%of %concentrating%on%the%task%at% hand. The% feature% of% having% email% access% and% social% media% literally% at% your% fingertips% can% be% highly %distracting. % The%emergence%of%social%media%%blogging%sites%has%empowered %consumers%and%has%supported% the%development%of%the%term %coMcreation. 1 1 %customers%and%producers%are%beginning%to%see%the% benefit%in%interacting%to%create%experiences%and%build%relationships%even %after%the%transaction%or% purchase% has% been% made. % A% successful% example% of% this% is% Apple% care,% which% allows% 2417% customer%support online. Skypes%voice%over%lP%services%could%be%utilized%to%provide %virtual%faceM toMface%interaction%and%support%with%customers. %The %onMtheMgo%access%via%its%mobile%application% would%allow%virtual %workers%to%take%calls%from%across%the%globe%in%a%preferred%location %without% having% to% operate% from% an% office% base. % % Exploiting% time% zones% % the% differences% in% public% and% religious%holidays%would%allow %firms%to%allocate%hours%to%different%regions%to%cover%24/7%support. % The % use% of% Skype% as% a% virtual% interaction% tool% could% help% to% create%
Friday, March 6, 2020
Reinstatement of Capital Punishment Essays
Reinstatement of Capital Punishment Essays Reinstatement of Capital Punishment Essay Reinstatement of Capital Punishment Essay What about a rabid criminal? A criminal deserving of execution must present great danger to those around him, Just like a rabid dog. When one kills for the sake of killing, its wrong. When one kills for the sake of retribution and public safety, its noble. In this paper, capital punishment is viewed as a mechanism for achieving an end. The an end that we want achieved by the nearness of capital punishment is a safer society. Execution of certain delinquents is a mere nearness to that goal. There are many practical and logical reasons to argue pro-capital punishment, and in this paper we shall discuss three of such utilitarian arguments: the first being that incapacitation of dangerous criminals purges the public of its ours, thus creating a safer place for all; second is, retributive Justice, as some wrongdoers cannot physically serve enough life sentences, for all the lives theyve taken, to Justify their stay on this Earth. Third has to do with the prorogued effects of having such a severe punishment system, and that is, deterrence in crime. Putting dangerous criminals to death eliminates the society from the possible outbreaks of violence, in case if a murderer gets paroled or escapes prison. In the United States there is a prolonged list of convicted murderers who when either released on parole r escaped from penitentiary, commit similar, if not even worse, crimes. An example would be the case of Donald David Idiolect who was convicted and found guilty on multiple charges including first degree murderer in 1979, sentenced to life in prison, managed to escape in 1990 and killed another person within twenty-four hours. He is now on Florists death row. Examples, like Idiolect and many more like him, clearly Implicate Tanat crimes committee Dye Imprisoned convicts dont stay Walton ten cell walls. Execution is the only way to make sure that no more of the same crimes are omitted outside the barstool by such convictsthe ones that pose great danger to others around them, be it in or out of Jail. Let us not forget that inmates also pose a threat to authorities within the penitentiary; capital punishment is as much of a benefit to their safety, as it is to the safety of their families at home. Not to mention the fact that prison is a dangerous place for its own residents, as cellmates are not paired up based on the brutality of their crimes, and often petty criminals can be have very dangerous cellmates who endanger the lives of those around them. Hanta L. Bolder was a prisoner serving a life sentence for 1973 first degree murderer. During his stay in prison he had killed his cellmate, in 1979. Prisons are meant to keep criminal offenders from the society, but the there are certain offenders who are too extreme even for prison. Now, as for retributive Justice, which is a system of criminal Justice based on punishment of offenders rather than on rehabilitation of criminals, is most favored by abolitionist of capital punishment because it represents modern day vengeance. Those who are against capital enmeshment usually argue that taking a human life violates the dignity of man, whilst on the other side, the opposition rebuttals with an argument that death penalty gives murderers what they deserve, and thus it would be a proper punishment. However, it is important to acknowledge that there are wrongfully convicted individuals and that, in their cases, it becomes a retributive injustice. We cannot ignore the fact that individuals can sometimes be wrongfully convicted, and thats why we must have a clear line that separates convicts deserving of capital punishment and those who do not. In the words of Emmanuel Kant: Even if a civil society were to dissolve itself by common agreement, the last murderer remaining in prison must first be executed. This quote contains a powerful message that reflects on todays society, as a 2012 poll by Angus Reid Public Opinion, showed that out of 1200 Canadians across the country, 63% believe that the death penalty is sometimes appropriate and three-in-five Canadians claim support for reinstatement of capital punishment in Canada. These results are not surprising considering the barbarity of certain crimes that have take place in Canada in the last five years. The Huffing Post, The National Post and The Toronto Sun have addressed capital punishment in pertinence to the killings done by Robert Pickett, Terrier-Lynn Monoclinic, and Lukas Magnate, respectfully. All three publications have claimed that the brutality of these, respective, first degree murders are too brutal to not be punished in a most severe matter. Recalling the appalling details of these three murder cases makes one wonder whether an execution would be too merciful off punishment to these evil beings. Deterrence in crime, due to capital punishment has been a largely debated topic of argument. Research has en done, and statistics have been collected by both, pro and anti-capital punishment debaters. Those who oppose deterrence in crime argument, claim that criminal rates drop from the abolition of capital punishment onward and that death penalty does not affect criminal behavior. A study done by the death penalty opponent and economics professor at the University of Colorado Dry. Niacin Mocha, evaluated data on the influence of individuals removed from the death row, those executed, and those who received commuted sentences, showed that each execution result TTS In Twelve Tower unwelcome Ana commuting eaten sentence nearness Twelve more homicides. Another study done by University of Huston, showed that the Illinois moratorium on executions in 2000 led to 1 50 additional homicides over four years following. In 2004, a study by Emory University concluded that speeding up executions would strengthen the deterrent effect, in fact, for every 2. 5 years cut from time spent on death row, one murderer would be prevented. Fear of death makes people do incredible things in life, may it be saving themselves, or, if Canada had not abolished the death penalty in 1976, not to commit gruesome murderers like Lukas Magnate did. Reintroduction of the death penalty, would pose a threat of death o those who may be planning on committing terrible crimes. Capital punishment is a w ay to purge the world of some of its most evil inhabitants. Whether it is wrong to take life, even of those we deem certain individuals deserving of such punishment, is a difficult question to answer. In this paper we tried to shed some light as to why capital punishment is needed in our Justice system, but the ultimate decision is a democratic one. It appears that, recently, large percentages of Canadians have been opening up their minds to this debate, and it seems like right now is the perfect time or this debate to rekindle its flame. Be it retribution we seek as our Justice, or deterrence in crime, or Just general safety of people in and out of Jails, we can all agree that our future is bleak by the way crimes get more brutal, in recent times, and we need a way to divest our future generations from gore and ugliness that is brought on by dehumidifying crimes of our present. We need to show no mercy to those who darken the future with horrific crimes. Killing is brutal, barbaric, inhumane, gruesome, cruel, and sadistic at the hands of killers. Killing is merciful, ad, relieving, peace-bringing, and noble at the hands of physicians.
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Should Students Have to Wear Uniforms Research Paper
Should Students Have to Wear Uniforms - Research Paper Example School uniforms convey the message that a school is a place for learning. Many schools in the United States and in other parts of the world are at odds over school uniforms. In many cases, it has been reported that students feel that their right of self-expression has been taken away with the rule of mandatory school uniforms. Although students feel that their right of self-expression is taken away from them, there are several benefits of school uniforms. I believe that the advantages of school uniforms outweigh the disadvantages. One of the many advantages of school uniforms is that they minimize the stress for students and their families. For example, parents and students do not have to worry about buying new clothes frequently for schools (Walsh pp. 38). Students are very sensitive about their image and self-esteem when they are in schools. For example, if one of the students starts wearing branded clothes, his or her peers would feel inferior and their self-esteem would decrease (Brunsma pp. 50). The supportive arguments regarding school uniforms also claim that students feel equal when they wear school uniforms. I would support this argument with further explanation. The standard of living is different among different families. There are some families, which are in a better financial position than others. A school is a place where students from different economic and cultural background come and learn. By wearing school uniforms, students do not get feel inferior to others. However, if students are allowed to choose their dresses for schools, they would be influenced by students from different cultures and different economic background. This would result in an increase in problems for parents and teachers. The rule of mandatory school uniforms would make all students look equal regardless of their financial position and cultural background.Â
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
The Effects of Foster Care on Child Development Thesis
The Effects of Foster Care on Child Development - Thesis Example The researchers found that children who were placed in foster care were more likely to have emotional and behavioral problems than those who were maltreated but stayed with their caregivers or other at-risk children, even when controlling for family income and functioning prior to the start of foster care placement. Length of time in foster care, age at placement, and number of foster care placements did not appear to affect outcome, just whether a child was placed in foster care or not. Foster care, although aimed at providing adequate and proper care for children, could be critical in their behavioral and emotional stability; the discontinuity of emotional connection for the biological parents and a weak foster care system could be the main reasons of such problem. Research Questions This research will look at several factors to determine, if any, what effects foster care contribute to children developmental. This research will focus on the following: 1. ... ement adaptation through repeated measure design among the participants who experienced foster care and an examination of change in behavior problems over time among the maltreated participants and those who received adequate care. 3. What are long-term consequences of foster care on behavior problems, overall emotional health, and psychopathology in adolescence? 4. What is the difference in outcome for children placed in child protective service prescribe foster care versus care with an adult familiar to the child? 5. The impact of foster care on behavior placement as longer term placements that have been related to placement instability, number of placements to determine the age of first placement and to determine a possible relation between age of placement and the subsequent development of behavior problems. Problem Statement This research will look at several factors to determine, if any, what effects foster care have on child development. Chapter 2: Literature Review Behavioral Challenges of Children in Foster Care The outcome of being in the foster care may not be what is expected. Since the child is a stranger to the new home environment, he is expected to adjust. Considering that childhood is a very critical stage in human development, especially when pertaining to the emotional and behavioral aspects, foster homes may not entirely serve the benefits of having a family. In the case of James, he was forced to go into foster homes since his parents are not able to sustain for his medications (Webb, 2001). Tentative conclusions would basically say that foster homes are better than troubled homes because they serve as a chance for children to have better lives. However, studies show the contrary. Koch (2007) reports that children who were kept intact with their
Monday, January 27, 2020
Manoeuvre Warfare Is Not A War History Essay
Manoeuvre Warfare Is Not A War History Essay 2. Doctrinal Base. Manoeuvre warfare has been adopted as the doctrinal basis for various Western armies. The Indian Army has been loosely following it in both theory as well as practice for quite some time, but is still grappling to adopt it as basis of our war fighting philosophy. It would take more than rhetoric to actually transform this concept into practice; there remains a lot of confusion as to what exactly it entails. Out of the many existing definitions only few are capable of concisely and clearly defining what Manoeuvre warfare is and how one does it. Manoeuvre is more of a philosophical approach to campaign design and execution than an arrangement of tactical engagements. Art and philosophy are often the most common terms describing the concept and definition of Manoeuvre warfare. It can be described as the art of tactics concerned with creation of battle array, decision making and understanding the human dimension rather than a science associated with techniques, procedu res and capabilities, 3. Difficult to Understand. Being an art associated with philosophical concept of war fighting; it leaves a lot to the interpretation and understanding of a theorist whose vision is generally obscured by his basic psyche, experience and the knowledge base available to him or his capability to grasp the concept of Manoeuvre. More often than not one acts on the lines of six blind men who wanted to describe an elephant and each used his imagination according to the part of elephant he was touching: So six blind men of Hindustan Disputed loud and long, Each in his own opinion Exceeding stiff and strong; Though each was partly in the right, They all were in the wrong! Applicability yet Of Manoeuvre Warfare 4. Spatial concept? Manoeuvre is traditionally thought of as a spatial concept which is used to gain positional advantage. The US Marine concept of manoeuvre warfare however is war fighting philosophy that seeks to shatter the enemys cohesion through a variety of rapid, focused, and unexpected actions which create a turbulent and rapidly deteriorating situation with which the enemy cannot cope. [2] The manual further says: This is not to imply that firepower is unimportant. On the contrary, firepower is central to manoeuvre warfare. Nor do we mean to imply that we will pass up the opportunity to physically destroy the enemy. We will concentrate fires and forces at decisive points to destroy enemy elements when the opportunity presents itself and when it fits our larger purposes. [3] 5. Should We Adopt it. When deciding upon the war fighting doctrine a nation should deliberate upon a basic question that is how to achieve victory in an acceptable time frame which is economical in terms of men and material? . The answer we seek must be viewed in light of various functions such as the nations military might, economic and political standing in world order compared to his perceived adversaries, likely threat perception and expected duration of war. The Indian Army doctrine does directs our focus on the intellectual understanding, institutionalisation and implementation of Manoeuvre warfare in its chapter on Operational Perspective [4] however, remains uncommitted on deciding manoeuvre warfare as our basic war fighting philosophy. 6. Mechanised Association. Since most astounding victories associated with Manoeuvre have a mechanised background, it is often considered to be a word of mechanised domain. The most common examples given is that of Blitzkrieg or Rommel and Pattons gallop across Gazala and the plains of Sicily respectively. Though most of us know that Rommel was an audacious practitioner of manoeuvre warfare during WW -II in his daring exploits but a few actually seemed to be aware of the fact that he learned and perfected his manoeuvre skills as an infantry soldier in WW- I. Indeed it can be debated that the German war philosophy in second World War was deeply influenced by Rommels World war I infantry experiences and his book [5] that grew out of those experiences. This lack of historical and conceptual understanding further deepens the dilemma of its applicability in Indian context especially in mountains. 7. Applicability in Mountains. In light of above mentioned aspects we must ask ourselves if manoeuvre warfare is solely applicable to conventional conflicts typified by massed formations of armoured vehicles? Or, are the principles and methods equally applicable to mountainous terrain?. The key to manoeuvre warfare, as expressed by proponents like William Lind and Robert Leonhard, was defeating the enemy by attacking his critical vulnerability rather than going toe-to-toe with his strength. This implies that in difficult terrain like mountains where critical vulnerabilities are of paramount importance and play decisive roles in the success of operations, the manoeuvre warfare assumes rather greater significance. CHAPTER II METHODOLOGY Battles are won by slaughter and maneuver. The greater the general, the more he contributes in maneuver, the less he demands in slaughter. Winston Churchill, The World Crisis, 1923 Statement of the Problem 8. Manoeuvre warfare is considered to be synonymous with mechanised operations and desert terrain by most of us. This thought process restrain us from tapping the actual potential of this universal war fighting philosophy, whose applicability is irrespective of the type of terrain or the arm using it .The aim of this paper is to analyse the concept of manoeuvre warfare as the war fighting philosophy for Indian Army and examine the feasibility of its application in mountainous terrain in Indian context. Hypothesis 9. Manoeuvre warfare is not a hard science and does not have a rigid list of theorems or formulae, which can define its applicability to a particular arm or terrain. It is very much applicable in Indian context, especially to mountainous terrain. Justification of the Study 10. Inability to Accept Manoeuvre Warfare. Over the years we have developed an attrition-based approach to warfare. Our training institutes are teaching tactics as a science having set piece solutions with mathematical framework and rigid utilization of resources. Though we claim to accept most logical and workable solutions but nine out of ten exercises end up with same lessons and solutions being culled out in the end. Another factor, which largely contribute towards our inability to accept manoeuvre warfare at tactical level is our fascination to adopt westernised terms and concepts. This is acceptable till they are used as building blocks to enhance our operational efficiency. But when templated without giving a proper thought to the fiber of our society, training and our basic approach towards life and philosophy [6] results in mere lip service and resentment at grass root level where they are to be executed. This misleads them to perceive manoeuvre warfare as extension of widespread military jargon or another fascinating word for what we have always done or common sense tactics [7] . This needs an urgent change in thought process. 11. Geo-Politico-Military Factor. India is wedged between two hostile neighbours having boundary disputes with both, which can lead to a potential conflict in future. With western adversary we enjoying vast superiority both in numbers and economy but the situation is not so very same with the eastern. Indian philosophy and ethos are against loss of any territory this when coupled with no first use of force places the military force at initial disadvantage of wresting the initiative before any conflict. This more or less drives India towards the attritionist practices in war where territory is of vital importance and its loss is unacceptable even in lieu of operational or tactical advantage it accrues. Superior force ratios are considered necessary to protect or regain the lost territory at any cost. 12. Battle Field Milieu. These potential situations when coupled with future battlefield scenario having nuclear backdrop, own political will and international pressure assures high intensity, fluid, short term and intense battle field in a reactive scenario. Such characterized conflicts cant be won just by attritionist approach. We need a philosophy, which provides us victory in shortest time frame with economy in men and material. 13. With approximately two third of our borders resting on the high mastiffs of mountainous terrain, it is easy to acquire a defensive mentality and orthodox approach to war fighting. This attitude stems from a blinkered outlook that any other approach to warfare is of no concern in this topography and the war will be nothing but a peak to peak slogging match. In the light of these, it is imperative that one takes a fresh look at our approach to warfare and reconsiders the applicability of manoeuvre warfare to mountainous terrain to win any future conflicts with minimal losses and within acceptable/quickest timeframe. We must understand that manoeuvrist approach to operations is as important to a commander in the high mountains as it is to a mounted general. Scope 14. This paper carries out an analysis of modern works on the theory of Manoeuvre warfare and tries to establish link between various theories and figure out basic components of manoeuvre warfare. The work just touches the concept based on the premise that basic knowledge of manoeuvre exist with the reader The scope will be limited to the instigating the aspects needing attention in the Indian armys basic doctrine and war philosophy to make it more manoeuvristic. The paper will concentrate more on organisational, institutional and functional changes necessary to facilitate this and the explore the concepts that can be applied while operating in mountainous terrain. . Methods of Data Collection 15. Books, military journals and periodical have been referred to from Defence Services Staff College Library, online sources and personal subscriptions contributed towards the research. Some contents have also been taken from the interviews of German generals after World War II (WW II) which were available from Defence Sites after translations. My own understanding of subject that accrued from discussions with peers, seniors and the Guide Directing Staff Colonel Rohit Mehta on the topic has come handy in making few suggestions for the dissertation. The casual discussion with Gen (Retd) HS Panag and lecture by Gen (Retd) Mehta in DSSC were instrumental inshaping the ideas expressed in the research. The bibliography of sources is affixed at the end of the document Organisation of Data 16. The text has been divided into five chapters excluding the introduction and conclusion. The initial chapters examine the essential elements of Manoeuvre warfare and how it differs from attrition warfare with special reference to analysis of modern writings on the subject and culls out the essence of these theories. The next chapter deals with relevance of this theory in the Indian context. The penultimate chapter is a follow up of the previous chapter and highlights the organisational, institutional and functional changes necessary for implementing manoeuvre theory by Indian Army. The next chapter gives some recommendations to apply the concept of manoeuvre warfare in mountainous terrain bordering India.Thereafter reiterating the essence of what has been said in the entire dissertation the conclusion settles the dissertation. CHAPTER III UNDERSTANDING MANOEUVRE WARFARE à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Manoeuvre theory has nothing to do with vast numbers of men and machines charging down the countryside. Manoeuvre theory is about amplifying the force which a small mass is capable of exerting; it is synonymous with the Indirect Approach. -Richard E Simpkin Evolution of Manoeuvre Theory 17. Manoeuvre warfare is a philosophy for fighting smart to ensure success in war. The first manoeuvre on a large scale in battle, recorded in history, was during the Battle of Marathon in 490 BC [8] . In this battle, the Greeks under Miltiades scored a decisive victory through manoeuvre where the Greek phalanx hit the Persians from both flanks inflicting a total defeat. However, Alexander the Great can be considered as the first great practitioner of art of manoeuvre. Most of his victories are classic examples of Manoeuvre warfare. In 331 BC in the battle of Arbela he defeated Persian monarch, Darius III who had a numerical superiority of 5:1 against him. Sun Tzu also captured the essence of this philosophy in his classic work [9] . 18. The most important development of manoeuvre theories took place in Germany and the USSR during the 1920s and 1930s, notably with the development of the Deep Battle concept that was integrated into the Red Army field regulations doctrine by Marshal Tukhachevsky [10] . While the Wehrmacht developed from this the operations named Blitzkrieg, in the USSR this led to the creation of the Cavalry Mechanised Groups during the Second World War, and the Operational manoeuvre groups during the Cold War. [11] The Soviets used the concept of Deep Battle (which they continued through the Cold War). 19. In spite of all these years of rich history, only recently has a clear and acceptable definition of Manoeuvre warfare has been offered for modern tactics and operations. Two of the best works on modern manoeuvre warfare come from Robert R Leonhard [12] and William S Lind [13] . While they both draw heavily from Sun Tzu, Richard Simpkin, Sir Basil Liddell-Hart and Second World War German and Russian theories, they synthesize these thoughts and produce what could be called the modern school of Manoeuvre warfare. Modern Works On Manoeuvre Warfare 20. William S Lind Observe, Orient, Decide, Act (OODA) Cycle. Linds understanding of manoeuvre warfare theory is based basically on the research done by Retired Air Force Colonel John Boyd, who studied the US success with the F-86 fighter aircraft in combat over Korea fighter aircraft and derived Boyd Theory, Pattern of conflicts [14] . He observed that fighter pilots, who were able to observe their opponent, orient themselves to the situation, decide on a course of action and act upon decided action faster than their enemy counterparts usually embraced victory. The idea was that the pilot who went through his OODA loop also known as a Boyd Cycle) faster than his opponent was able to render his opponents actions irrelevant and gain the upper hand in the dogfight. Lind uses this as base to conceptualise Manoeuvre theory and summarise it as- Conflict can be seen as time-competitive cycles. [15] He concluded that the armies, which are able to decide, move and fight faster, would quickly render the enemys reactions irrelevant and would result in destroying his cohesion. The enemy who finds the irrelevancy of his actions with each passing moment are subjected to panic or become passive and this is an ideal outcome for the victor, because a panicked or passive enemy can be annihilated or captured at the lowest cost in friendly casualties. [16] 21. To achieve such end state ground forces must have capability to conduct faster Boyd Cycles/OODA cycle .The various methods suggested by Lind are Decentralized Command and Control, Initiative at all levels of command to exploit the fleeting opportunities. Mission-Type Orders that tell subordinates only the intent of higher commander and not how to achieve it; the designation of a Main Effort to focus the resources at disposal towards common objective to promote Unity of Effort and reliance on Reconnaissance Pull to Exploit Gaps and Avoid Surfaces in enemy defence. He further adds that Manoeuvre warfare means not only to Accept confusion and disorder but also successfully operates in it and warns to avoid all patterns, recipes and formulae i.e. to say Be Unpredictable and achieve surprise. [17] 22. Therefore, it can be understood the soul of Linds theory is tempo which is supported by Sun Tzu What is of the greatest importance in war is extraordinary speed; one cannot afford to neglect opportunity . . . An attack may lack ingenuity, but it must be delivered with supernatural speed and further explained by Richard Simpkin as the operational rate of advance. [18] 23. Robert Leonhard and Art of Manoeuvre. Leonhard expands upon Linds theory of manoeuvre warfare by looking beyond tempo to other methods of defeating enemy. But agrees with Lind on defeating enemy with the minimal necessary force. As described by Leonhard, manoeuvre warfare attempts to defeat the enemy through means other than the simple destruction of his mass. [19] The other means of Leonhard include (a) Pre-Emption which is the most economical and often most successful method to defeat enemy. Indeed the highest and purest application of maneuver theory is to pre-empt the enemy, that is, to disarm or neutralize him before the fight. [20] This is in consonance with Linds emphasis on tempo and Boyd Cycles. (b) Dislocation is regarded as the next most preferred method, after pre-emption, i.e., which he explains as à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦removing the enemy from the decisive point, or vice versa, thus rendering them useless and irrelevant to the fight. [21] Dislocation can be further sub divided as positional or functional dislocation. Positional dislocation involves making the enemys location irrelevant through Manoeuvre while Functional dislocation refers to rendering an enemys strength irrelevant. (c) Disruption as the third method for defeating the enemy more economically. He defines it as attacking the enemys Centre of gravity(COG), which he further explain using the King Queen theory [22] -taking analogy from game of chess to he describe the understanding of of COG for attritionist as the queen or source of strength and for maneouvrist as king or the critical vulnerability. Which when addressed causes the enemy to lose cohesion and the will to fight. Disruption is closely linked to battlefield psychology and its target is not the enemy forces per se but rather the mind of enemy commander Essentials of Manoeuvre Warfare. 24. Other than the concepts mentioned above; keeping present and future battle field Directive Style Of Command, Mission Type Orders, Small Team Concept, Integrated Battle Approach With True Jointmanship, Simultaneity Of Operations, Mental Mobility Of Commanders at all levels and High Initiative with Mastering The Basic Skills are other essentials demanded for a manoeuvristic approach. There is a large gap between the philosophical concept and its practical application. Manoeuvre warfare is not a concept that can be practiced independently by tactical units. It requires the support of entire army as well as each individual soldier for the required transformation. Manoeuvre Vs Attrition. 25. In most situations, attrition warfare is best able to achieve the principle of concentration of force, unity of command, security, cooperation and simplicity. The outcome of WWI was decided by attrition If either side had been able to force part of the enemy alliance from the field, it would have reduced the enemys available resources and forces. Additionally it would have forced the enemy to spread its fewer forces over a larger area, potentially allowing greater room for maneuver. However attrition was forced on the belligerents until the combat power ratios [23] were changed and the Allies gained a clear advantage. It is a comparatively simple way to wage war and demands little initiative from subordinates. Higher commanders with the help of staff available plan battles in micro details whereas junior officers merely follow orders to the cut. However, this makes attrition war predictable and sequential. 26. By contrast, manoeuvre warfare regards application of military force as only one of the ways of to the attain politico military aim. Manoeuvre warfare draws its power mainly from opportunities and still more on winning the battle of wills by surprise or, failing this, by speed and aptness of response. [24] Manoeuvre warfare is thus concerned with amplifying the force, which a small mass is capable of exerting and conveying a threat commensurate with the mission. Field Commanders Adoption of Different Warfare in Similar Situations. 27. Field Marshal Montgomery and General Patton were two of the most effective allied commanders who were faced with roughly similar conditions, practiced effective dissimilar methods of war fighting. While Patton stressed on audacity, surprise, speed and always relied on mental mobility of subordinate commanders to exploit battle opportunities, Montgomery emphasised on caution and preferred a balanced orthodox approach. Montgomery has often been criticised for his aversion to taking risk but his approach to war was certainly an effort to minimise the risk. Comparing the two commanders lead to deduction that both concepts focus on compelling the enemy to do our will or reducing his ability to resist us until he finally accedes to our will [25] . A major assumption is that a war of manoeuvre is of a higher order than a war of attrition and that the general who defeats his enemy in a war of manoeuvre is superior to another who practices attrition warfare. Many still think of Gene ral Grant as a the butcher owing to the methods he used to defeat the Confederate armies or have general belief that all World War I generals lacked inspiration because they seemed incapable of breaking the stalemate at the front. Which certainly needs reconsideration, as both the theories are complimentary. Different Wars. 28. Wars of manoeuvre can be referred as wars of annihilation or destruction because the enemys ability or will to fight is annihilated after a decisive battle or a series of decisive battles in different theatres. Whereas wars of attrition may be referred as wars of exhaustion as they focus on the enemys ability or will to resist be exhausted. Attrition wars can be presumed to be more costly to in terms of loss of personnel, materiel and time unless one side completely dominates the other. In contrast to attrition theory, which concentrates on the enemys field forces, manoeuvre theory thrives on outperforming the enemys thought processes with the intent to destroy force cohesion. Why Modern Wars Become Attrition Wars? 29. The inspiration for the attrition theory basically comes from Clausewitzs Vernichtungsprinzip or principle of annihilation. [26] If wars of attrition are generally more costly than wars of maneuver and practitioners of attrition are perceived as less enlightened than those who succeed through maneuver and a decisive battle, then why do modern wars so often become wars of attrition? There are reasons to it: (a) Often the combat power that can be generated at the front is almost equal. Temporary stalemate and attrition follow until one side achieves a advantage in terms of numbers, firepower, leadership, manoeuvre, protection or Information. (b) Perception that the chances of success through a strategy of attrition have less risk element and uncertainty for the commander. (c) Nations which, possess a large army and and population which accepts the loss of lives in wars as a natural outcome accept attrition warfare. (d) When asymmetry exist between two warring fractions attrition warfare is followed unconsciously by superior fraction. The Other Side Of Manoeuvre Theory 30. Every coin has a flip side so as every theory. There are certain conditions to be fulfilled while practicing this type of warfare. This requires additional effort compare to attrition theory of warfare. (a) Dependence upon individual leadership. (b) There are also immense and glaring cultural differences between a decentralised manoeuvre military and a centralized attritional service. Attaining the latter involves people, time, and resources while the former requires something more rare and difficult to achieve and that is the development of military tradition, free thinking by soldiers and commanders, mutual trust at all levels and education in the military art. (c) Delegation of responsibility by higher commander for crucial combat decisions to subordinates implies highest degree of interpersonal understanding and trust not easily achievable. Such trust and understanding must be forged within the framework of a mutual drive towards the achievement of final objective. Creating such frame of reference and bonding of shared values and morals is exceedingly difficult to achieve. (d) Involvement of higher degree of risk and uncertainty. Maneuver warfare usually entails more risk. There is consoling certainty in programing warfare as quantifiable, logically measurable and scientifically less intuitive. It recedes the mystery and terror of something otherwise uncontrollable, indecipherable, and probability based. (e) The maneuver doctrine required relentless tempo that could not afford an operational pause. It was one of the factor leading to German failure during Barbarossa. [27] CHAPTER IV MANOEUVRE WARFARE FOR INDIAN ARMY Theory Suitable For Our Nation ? 31. The answer to this most commonly asked question depends upon ones needs, assets, and the kind of political supervision. Irrespective of national or military inclinations toward any theory, there are certain parameters which determine what type of warfare a nation should adopt. (a) Human Resource. Contrary to expectation that attrition requires a lower level of intellect and imagination than does maneuver; One must understand that most people can be made to adhere to checklists and taught to operate or maintain even the most complex pieces of technology. However, maneuver warfare requires creativity and innovativeness towards the unorthodox approach and independent cast of mind. (b) Equipment. Attrition-warfare armament must exceed at least the quality and preferably the quantity of that of the enemy. Developing countries will find adoption or continued adherence to attrition theory unjustifiable, unless they expect even more compelled foes (only western adversary in our case). (c) Threat. A military selecting a particular warfare theory will need to consider its likely threats. Will it encounter a conventional army with high standard of training, morale and motivation equivalent to his (west in our case) or a more resourceful nation with edge in terms of political freedom, technology, and numbers (East in our case). (d) Duration of war. In short term conflicts attrition has not performed well against maneuveristic army. It is only after extended periods of stalemate (and frequently heavy casualties) can those who employ attrition theory could overcome their maneuveristic enemies. (e) Risk / Higher Directions of War. The level of acceptable risk that the leadership is willing to take is extremely important when selecting a suitable theory. (f) Strategy. If a particular nation has some territorial disputes but its strategy is to maintain a status quo, it is not going to opt for large-scale manoeuvre warfare. However, since it has to remain prepared for any attempts to alter the status quo it may opt for a slightly higher bias towards Manoeuvre than attrition. (g) Some of the other determinants for planned offensive could be: (i) How deep are we planning to go? (ii) Is there a requirement of going that deep? (iii) What type of punishment do we want to inflict? (iv) What type of punishment are we anticipating? 32. Social Fiber of Society. Attrition theory generally suits the style of societies that believe human nature is inherently good; that war takes place between military forces with clearly designated combatants; that there are clear-cut demarcations and chivalry still exists during any combat. While the foundation of manoeuvre warfare is based on the philosophical tenets- that human nature is inherently flawed, that because of human greed and frailty; warfare is an inevitable fact of life, that war is an all-embracing human activity that is not confined to the clear demarcation of the battlefield and that the crux of warfare is mans mind. Which Direction Should We Embark 33. Rarely has superior firepower and attritionist approach determined the outcome of any major conflict. Nations have historically demonstrated a remarkable resiliency while enduring the punishment wrought by bombs, artillery, missiles and loss of men and material but victories are achieved only when the commander orchestrates a balance
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Discuss About Intravenous Urography Health And Social Care Essay
I would wish to discourse approximately endovenous Urography in this paper. Intravenous Urography or merely known as IVU is a process to analyze the urinary system by utilizing contrast media. It had been start utilizing in twelvemonth 1930 to analyze the upsets of urinary system. It is performed to diagnosed nephritic map and investigates the anatomy of the kidneys, ureters and urinary vesica. The indicants for executing a IVU scrutiny are suspected urinary piece of land pathology, repeated harm, haematuria, injury and probe of hypotension in immature grownup. Urography may besides utilize to execute the pre- or post-therapeutic evalution of rock disease. The urography imaging sequence is design to supply diagnostic. The contrast media is brought to the kidneys through blood circulation, filtered in the glomeruli and concentrated in the nephritic tubules. Then the contrast media will delivered to the pelvic girdle, ureter and vesica where radio-opaque show on X-ray movies. Normally this scrutiny will be performed by the physician to avoid unfortunate incidences. The intent of IVU is the primary probe for urinary disease such as urinary rock, urinary rednesss, urinary injury and obstructor, assorted and contraindications. Some necessary safeguards are taken to avoid the allergic reactions. This safeguards include ask whether patient is allergic to any medical specialty or nutrient, is patient ( adult females ) pregnant or have any opportunity to pregnancy within a hebdomad and any diseases that may do patient to hold anaphylactic daze during scrutiny. Equipments that are needed during Intravenous Urography are exigency cart to the full equipped and handily placed, instrument for injection is arranged on a little, movable tabular array or on a tray, often used unfertile points must be readily available, disposable acerate leafs and panpipes are widely used in this process, nonsterile points such as compression bandage, little waste bin, vomit basin, disposable rub, contrast media that is required, and dressing for puncture site must be required. Besides that, a pillow or folded tower that can be place under patient ‘s cubitus during the injection of contrast media to diminish force per unit area. The equipment for endovenous disposal equipment are 50ml syringe, make fulling needle, skin homework, gluey tape, choice of acerate leafs, straight/'Butterfly ‘ 16,19,21,23 gage and compression bandage or blood force per unit area turnup. Emergency drugs and equipment such as steroid injection, adrenaline injection, antihistami ne injection, endovenous dextrose trickle and O for inspiration must be checked every twenty-four hours and easy to get during IVU scrutiny. Basically, we are utilizing 3 types of contrast media during IVU scrutiny. They are Niopam 300, Omnipaque 350 and Urograffin 370. Doses of contrast media that injected into a 70 kilogram, normal blood urea grownup are 50 milliliters through endovenous. Before injected the contrast media to patient, the contrast media must be warmed to personify temperature. To shoot the contrast media into the vena, a 19 gage acerate leaf must be punctured into the average cubital vena. Then the contrast media that been warmed to about 36-37 grade Celsius will be injected. This process is ever performed by the Radiologists or physician. Then movies are taken at intervals will show whole nephritic system. At the twenty-four hours of scrutiny, patient is necessitating to alter to hospital gown. Make certain patient had emptying the vesica to forestall dilution of contrast media with urine. Patient is placed on the tabular array with supine place in the X-ray room, the MSP of the patient perpendicular to the midplane of the grid. Support patient ‘s articulatio genus by utilizing a pillow to cut down dipped curvature of lumbar spinal column. This can supply a more comfy place to patient. Compression devices must be prepared before the scrutiny, so that it will be ready to application in a specific clip. Obtain a preliminary radiogram of the venters. Then fix for the first post-injection before the contrast medium is injected. A cassette with movie is placed in the bucky tabular array, place the cassette and set on markers on the cassette. Changes are made on focus and exposure factors based on the prelim movie. Contrast media for injection intent is prepared utilizing sterile techn ique. Administration of contrast media into patient ‘s organic structure is normally done by the physician harmonizing to the patient ‘s organic structure size, ages and weight. Several radiogram will be taken at specified intervals get downing from the clip the contrast media is wholly emits into patient ‘s organic structure. In approximately 2 to 8 proceedingss the contrast media will get down to look in the pelvicaliceal system. Patient demand to empty their vesica as the scrutiny is over and a radiogram will be taken to guarantee that contrast media is wholly removed from the organic structure. The typical exposure values for IVU are 65-75kVp, 50-70mAs, 100cm of Film Focusing Distance ( FFD ) , used grid to diminish spread radiation and utilize regular film/screen. 5 X-ray movies will be taken during this scrutiny. The first X ray besides known as preliminary movie is a normal abdomen X ray. The movie should include most of the venters and pelvic girdle ( kidneys, ureters and vesica ) . If the movie is demoing unsatisfactory component such as gases and a tonss of fecal matters inside the patient venters, we might hold to prorogue the scrutiny. This is cause by the patient that did non follow the direction right. This is usually go on on the out-of-door patient. This scrutiny will be go on when patient have achieved proper readying. The 2nd movie ( immediate movie ) is after the patient is injected with the contrast media. The intent of this movie is to show AP nephritic disease by demoing nephrogram, examples the nephritic parenchyma. The 3rd movie or merely known as 5 proceedingss movie is taken to find whether farther dosage of contrast media is required or non. We might use compaction to dilate pelvicalyceal system so that it can clearly sho w make fulling defects in the 3rd movie ( 15 proceedingss movie ) . The Forth movie ( 25 proceedingss movie ) is taken to show the distended vesica. This can be done by concentrating 15 degree caudal angulations and the upper boundary line of the symphysis pubic bone is centered. The last movie ( station urination movie ) will show the emptying success of vesica and the antecedently distend lower terminals of ureters had been returned to normal. There are besides some extra projections required such as inspiratory, expiratory and oblique projection so that relationship of opacities and make fulling defects to the nephritic piece of land is demonstrated. Purpose of imaging is to show lineations nephritic and overcome darkening from the gastro enteric piece of land. An immediate station injection radiogram should show the kidneys addition in denseness because of the contrast within the uriniferous tubules. Different denseness nephrograms may bespeak nephritic nephritic arteria stricture, if this is suspected a series of movies at 1, 2, and 3 proceedingss after injection can convey more accurate visual image. The kidney lineations should be smooth and does non concentrating contrast media. If it is concentrating the medium, it is likely cause by tumours. The calyces, nephritic pelvic girdle and portion of ureter should be seeable in the 5 or 10 proceedingss movie. Both kidneys should hold the same denseness as the nephrogram is reduced. If we see 1 of the kidney denseness is lower, it might be cause by ureteric diseases such as urinary obstructor. To find site of obstructor, a delayed movie is required after 45 to 60 proceedingss after injection. 15 proceedingss movie shall demo the cause of urinary obstructor. Urinary obstructor might be caused by stne, coagulum or tumor near the ureteric opening. If the ureters are dilated, the cause is likely in the vesica or urethra. The intent of taking vesica movie is to name the unnatural size of vesica that might be cause urinary diseases. Examples of the diseases are prostate expansion, urethral obstructor, neurogenic vesica, TB, Schisotosomiasis, rocks, calcification, tumor and gas in the vesica. It is the duty of a Radiographer to use to patient and radiographer to diminish the radiation doses that receive. Guidelines refering radiation protection are using gonad shield to patient if it does non overlap the part of involvement. Collimation need to be applied so that lone part of involvement merely will have radiation. Do non reiterate the scrutiny so that patient will non have external radiation. Male patient shall be shield for all scrutinies. Some patient might shown some symptoms such as sickness, minor urticarial roseolas, on occasion terrible laryngeal hydrops, anaphylactic daze and cardiac apprehension. As the marks of these symptoms appear on patient, injection of contrast media must be stopped instantly. Emergency drugs such as antihistamines and steroids are given to patient. Decision is IVU is a safe scrutiny with all the set up in the X-ray room and it gives detail information to physician for diagnose intent.
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